Lean on Me…
I recently returned from the most amazing trip to remote Alaska. I have to admit I think this was my fifth trip there and the first time I truly felt I saw Alaska. Hiking daily and having the joy of seeing 25+ bears a day is a hard thing to beat. This trip is tied for my favorite trip of all, a walking Polar Bear Safari I did in 2015 with Churchill Wild. If you know me, you know I am a big sap when it comes to mother and baby animals. On this trip that was mainly what we saw. As I captured my favorite images from the trip with this mom and cub, tears sprung to my eyes at the beautiful moment between them that I had the unbelievable opportunity to witness. I love the combination of shooting opportunities I have had lately; I love the control I have when I photograph at a comic convention, planning out the lighting, backdrop, pose, and model, with things going exactly how I planned the majority of the time 😉 To go from that to somewhere where you have to accept that things are truly out of your control, you come to trust and love the spontaneity of these incredibly serendipitous moments. I am loving the balance that the two bring to my world. I am also oh-so-thankful that my arm is finally on the mend and the hope it gives me to be able do more of what I love.