Revisiting old photos…
I was on a search for some family photos to frame for my house when I thought about a trip my daughter Neva and I took in 2009 to Japan to visit my sister. We dressed up as Geisha girls (so much fun) and had some photos taken. While we were getting ready I was snapping away as they transformed my daughter-its amazing what some white paint and red lips will do–she was 11 in this photo. I started to play with the photo, brightening it up a bit, love the color red, so I desaturated the photo to focus on it. Her hair was taped up to allow for a huge wig/headpiece to be put on so I used a white vignette around the edges to cover that up. I loved the result! I am so glad I went back to it now. A lesson was learned, you never know when the light bulb will go on.
4 comments on “Revisiting old photos…”
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Absolutely amazing!
Breathtaking, you are truely amazing!
Beautiful! Great image and I love the way you processed it.
I love this website! I was online looking at info on photo travel and found it. Your work is stunning. Congratulations on its launch.