Winter Wildlife Show at Gates Mills Library
I am so excited to have my photos on display in my hometown at Gates Mills Library. I have twelve of my favorite winter wildlife photos on display from Antarctica, Canada, and Japan. Please stop in, not only to see my photos but the adorable library in my village. If you are not in the area check out the library here.
Branches – Cuyahoga County Public Library
Gates Mills Library
1491 Chagrin River Road.
Gates Mills, Ohio 44040
Hours of Operation
Monday- Thursday 9:00am – 9:00pm
Friday and Saturday 9:00am -5:30pm
Sunday 1:00-5:00pm
Photos will be on display until the end of February. The artist reception is scheduled for January 25 from 6:30-8pm. All are welcome!
#susanonyskophotography #wildlifephotography #wildlife #winterwildlife #winterwildlifephotography #fotonostrum #fotonostrumgallery #gatesmills #wildlifephotography #gatesmillsohio #polarbears #polarbearphotography #penguin #penguinphotography #snowmonkey #snowmonkeyphotography #gatesmillslibrary