So Long Connecticut
We had such a fabulous time this weekend. My Pixar nails were a big hit, not as big a hit as the humongous Ben Franklin/Warhammer Cosplay we photographed though! I didn’t think she would fit in the door of room, not to mention on our backdrop! Thankfully somehow it all worked. It is by far the largest cosplay we have ever photographed. We all overindulged at Bears Smokehouse, none more than Sean though. And I even met a familiar face – Rufio who I photographed in New York three years ago! Thanks to all who stopped in! I have a bit of travel over the next few months and have to move my third adult into a college dorm so our next convention is…..
Oct 7-9 – Tsubasacon, Charleston WV
#susanonyskophotography #cosplay50 #connecticon #connecticon2022 #tsubasacon #tsubasacon2022 #rufiocosplay #benfranklinmashupwarhammer40kcosplay