Evil Red Genie Cosplay
How incredible is this Evil Red Genie Cosplay? I photographed the truly magnificent Brandon the Shapeshifter on Facebook and brandontheshapeshifter on Instagram at Rhode Island Comic Con. If you do not follow either of these pages, please check them out, so unbelievable!
Upcoming Conventions
Feb 21-23, 2020: LVL UP EXPO, Las Vegas, NV (New State 20)
Mar 12-15, 2020: Emerald City, Seattle, Washington
April 18-19, 2020: Huntsville Comic and Pop Culture Expo, Huntsville, AL (New State 21)
May 1-3, 2020: Awesome Con, Washington DC
May 8-10, 2020: Florida Supercon, Miami FL – Tentative
May 21-24, 2020: Phoenix Fan Fusion, Phoenix, AZ (New State 22)
July 9-12, 2020: Connecticon, Hartford, CT (New State 23) – Tentative
Sept. 11-13, 2020: Rose City Comic Con Portland, OR
Oct 9-11, 2020: Tsubasacon, Charleston, WV(New State 24)
Oct. 30-Nov. 1, 2020: DerpyCon, New Brunswick, NJ (New State 25) -Tentative