Princess Leia Cosplay
Several years ago, when I mainly used natural light (or at most one light!), during a portrait session I would often times wait for people to let their guard down and capture a quiet, in-between moment. Many times that moment ended in a photograph that revealed an honesty and depth that seemed impossible to capture with a posed portrait. I felt this way about this image. The image had an honesty and depth to it much like the late Carrie Fisher. This amazing Leia cosplay and emotional moment were provided by ottercosfx on Instagram.
Upcoming Conventions
Dec 13-15, 2019: Holiday Matsuri, Orlando, Florida
Feb 21-23, 2020: LVL UP EXPO, Las Vegas, NV (New State)
Mar 12-15, 2020: Emerald City, Seattle, Washington
May 1-3, 2020: Awesome Con, Washington DC
May 21-24, 2020: Phoenix Fan Fusion, Phoenix, AZ (New State-tentative)
Oct 9-11, 2020: Tsubasacon, Charleston, West Virgina (New State-tentative)