Cosplay 50 Interview!
This past Friday was the opening to the “Cosplay 50: The United States of Cosplay” show at Chagrin Arts. Before the opening of the show James Hamilton, also know as the “Jack Sparrow” of Cosplay 50, did an interview with me about what Cosplay 50 really is and what it takes to travel all across the country for these priceless weekends at Comic and Anime Conventions. James is a Cosplay Photographer/Videographer and has his own YouTube channel for Cosplay. Please check him out as Justsomenerd1 on Instagram, Just Some Nerd on FB and on YouTube at Just Some Nerd. Interview videos coming soon. Be sure to go and see the collection yourself at Chagrin Arts in Chagrin Falls until November 15th. Chagrin Arts is open from 9-4 Monday thru Friday. Other viewing times are available though, so please let me know if you are interested.
Chagrin Arts
88 N Main St.
Chagrin Falls, OH 44022