On the Other Side of the Camera…
Earlier this year I was fortunate enough to bid on and win a photo shoot with one of my photo idol’s, Lindsay Adler, at an auction for Too Young to Wed’s Inaugural Gala. I attended Lindsay’s Floral Fashion Photography workshop in NYC last month. I stayed after with her hair and makeup team, and other amazing crew members to scrub off the grime from the last few months of travel and get ready to be on the other side of the camera for once. The result was some wonderful 40’s inspired glamour images.
I have always admired Lindsay’s down-to-earth, practical teaching style and her willingness to share everything and anything she knows with her students. Being in front of the camera, it was amazing to see first hand how she poses and coaches her models. I have to admit often times I get so caught up in the lighting that I don’t focus as much as I should on posing.
Lindsay shares all of her tips and tricks in her book, The Photographer’s Guide to Posing: Techniques to Flatter Everyone. With the holidays upon us I would highly recommend it, as it should be a staple in any portrait photographers library.