Aku from Samurai Jack Cosplay
I need your help – please read below (or see link in bio on Instagram)
This is the lovely LynElíz Bergs on Facebook and lynelizbergs on Instagram photographed as Aku from Samuai Jack Cosplay at Colossalcon last year in Sandusky, Ohio. Colossalcon is one of my favorite conventions to photograph cosplayers and my only repeating cosplay tradition.
Sadly, after a year of silence from their team, I have been curtly e-mailed that they will not allow me to purchase a room at Colossalcon this year! All attempts for a face-to-face, phone call, or even a text have gone completely unanswered. I have purchased a room at Colossalcon every year since my daughter introduced me to this wonderful culture many years ago to give cosplayers a free and very personalized thirty-minute photo shoot experience unavailable anywhere else. I then choose the best photo, edit it with much TLC (think magazine-quality), and send it to them.
You guys are my last home to try to get back into this great convention that has been part of my life for so long. Please help me out at #letsuzyphotocolossalcon or by e-mailing them directly at http://colossalcon.com/contact-us/.
Regardless of the outcome with Colossalcon, I will be attending many Wizard Worlds this year and hope to see you there. As of now I am scheduled to be at their events in Portland, Philadelphia, Boise, Winston-Salem, Chicago, Tulsa, and Montgomery.